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Since his birth in New York City, Kip Cassino has travelled much of the world. He has run micro-tool factories in Israel and Hong Kong, studied art in Munich, and assembled nuclear weapons in South Korea. He is a Vietnam veteran.

Cassino has worked construction, been a soldier, written for newspapers, performed market research, and accurately forecasted the future of several industries. His articles have appeared in publications as diverse as The New Times, Smithsonian Air & Space, Entrepreneur, and Ad Week. He has been interviewed by Meet the Press, BBC, and VICE.



Kip Cassino Author Writer Veteran

He has written science fiction for Analog and numerous marketing and political spending analyses.  He was awarded the Research Award of Merit by the Newspaper Association of America in 2008.


Cassino’s wife and life partner Helen turned his urge to write into reality. She graced his world for far too short a time, but that is the way with angels. Since her passing, he has moved closer to his wonderful grandchildren—and now lives and works in Harrison, New York.


Books Published:


The Narrow Man


Incident at Aviano- The Story of a Very Brave Man

Gleaners (Science Fiction)

Operation Tollbooth (Military alternative history thriller)

Books Completed:

Ozzie – the Dog Who Wanted to Fly (Children’s)

Books in Process:

The Narrow Edge (Sequel to The Narrow Man)

Books Currently Planned:

The Black Dog's Master (Sequel to Buddies)

Pillage (Thriller)

Other Writing Projects:

Miraj (Comedy TV series treatment)

Savorit (Techno-thriller screenplay)

In the News

In addition to being recognized for his books, with his extensive experience in market research and forecasting, Kip continues to be asked to contribute to national news publications. A selection of his contributions, past and present, can be found below.

Wall Street Journal Kip Cassino
Wired Kip Cassino
Financial Times Kip Cassino
AdAge Kip Cassino
Fortune Kip Cassino

Politicians, groups turn to digital advertising in race to turn out voters for midterms

 Beto O'Rourke is taking advantage of the digital ad spending trend in 2018

Why You Won’t Stop Getting Junk Mail

Despite backlash over political ads, Facebook’s role in elections will only grow

Data-Driven Targeting Created Huge 2016 Political Ad Shift 

Facebook and Google Are Big Winners As Political Ad Money Moves Online

TV Remains King in Political Ad Spending

WPP to target US voters with personalised online ads

2016 Campaigns Will Spend $4.4 Billion On TV Ads, But Why?

Kip is a Proud Supporter of the Following Organizations

Disabled American Veterans Kip Cassino
American Heart Association Kip Cassino

Kip is a Member of These Literacy Organizations

Alliance of Independent Authors Kip Cassino
Florida Writers Association Kip Cassino
Kip Cassino Colorado Independent Publishers Association
Historical Novel Society Kip Cassino
Chat with Kip

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